alist 2011

alist 2012




Our Corpbasic Certified Trainers teach classes at some the area's best fitness partners such as the YMCA, Super Fitness, Work Out Work, Health forever, Fit house,.

Read More: Scheduling at Corpbasics awards room

Why Clients Love Us

Your Classes Are So Amazing ... You've Inspired Me

"I have taken your classes on/off for the last 4 years and cannot tell you what an impact you have had in my life."


Corpbasics in the Media

Somerville Local First
Somerville Journal 2011
Union Square Main Streets
Somerville Senior’s Circuit 2007

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Corpbasics Videos

Limited Edition Fitness DVDs

For every Limited Edition Fitness DVD System ordered, $10 will be donated to Benefit Respond Inc., a local domestic violence shelter.

YouTube Channel: Corpbasics

Instructional DVD Series